Graham Smith <> writes:
> Strangely, when you are used to a more structured approach this makes
> it difficult to start.

I'd propose to start by partitioning _what_ you actually need to store
on your disk.

This is what I do:

* The `org-directory'

  The default is ~/org/ and you could simply live with that default for
  a while. Changing that later on is easy, as long as most of the
  targets for your remember templates live there (the org-directory is
  search if just a filename is supplied for a certain template). Just
  `mv' the directory and adjust `org-directory'. So no need to worry

  The main purpose of the org-directory is to find files without hassle:

    * agenda files (I use an extra sub directory for those)
    * Remember targets

  I use pretty much the Org-modes defaults for fast note taking
  (remember) and agenda stuff. Also, it makes sense to store all agenda
  stuff and notes you want to keep below one directory for easy backup
  and restore, or synching with your notebook(s).

*** Agenda files

    My org-directory has a subdirectory where I store all my agenda
    files, regardless of project. I have a file for each customer I work
    for over a longer period and a private `'. Some of
    those files grew very big during the last two years, but that's
    absolutely no problem, neither for Org-mode, nor for me. But it
    makes it soo easy to find stuff again. I just press `C-c ,'
    repeatedly until the correct file is on screen.

    For each customer I created a remember template to record new tasks
    on the fly (e.g. phone calls).

    Some customers have a somewhat limited `lifetime' in my agenda (one
    project and that's it). Those agenda files are simply removed from
    the list of agenda files: `C-c ]'

    Short projects were the reason to leave all agenda files in the
    org-directory. I remove old projects from my file system from time
    to time (their all in my repo anyway). But I still can refer to the
    project plan if neccessary.

*** General note taking

    As quick notes go to files in my org-directory, it's natural to have
    a file tree beneeth it, where I sort stuff away that is of more
    general nature - i.e. not related to special project or
    customer. Refiling is very easy, so it turns out that two or three
    files for such notes are sufficient in my case.

    After a while I file my quick notes away. For that purpos my
    org-directory has a sub-folder (a tree actually). That tree is for
    notes I want to keep locally. I publish those notes locally to HTML
    for browsing. The published content is awailable in our local
    network here. That's why I have that subtree. Particular private
    notes may still live in my org-directory.

* Projects

  Here it comes: I use no special concept for Projects. That's the
  beauty of using emacs and Org-mode:

  They adjust to what you wanna do. Just keep the structure you're
  already working with.

  If you need to create a LaTeX file for your project, just start from
  an Org-file. Org-mode is with you if your an emacs user, so why worry?

  I found, that Org-mode does not really add any extras to my project
  directories. All that it changes is the way that stuff is added. No
  extra software that eats up my memory, makes me wait to start up, or
  drives my crazy.

  Links to source files I work on are sometimes stored next to the TODO
  entries in the agenda files. That way I can go the source file in
  question at a later date just by clicking a link.

May the Emacs Org-mode be with you!

Best wishes


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