Timothy <orgm...@tec.tecosaur.net> writes:

> I find that very interesting to hear. It reminds me that the bcachefs matrix
> room (which I hang out in),which has a Jitsi widget. Over there it seems that
> occasionally the lead developer and the main other contributor seem to hang 
> out
> there while working on the project.
> Doing something similar for Org development is an interesting idea. Something
> similar probably could be set up with the Org room, or a dedicated Org-dev 
> room

This may be interesting, but it requires at least two participants to
get the discussion going.

> (I’m aware of Bastien’s thoughts on wanting development and help to not be
> separated, but while I like the idea of them living in the same space, I’m
> personally a big fan of categorisation. For instance, we could make an 
> org-mode
> space with a few different rooms: org-dev, org-help, org-showcase, org-chat,
> etc.).

Is there is possibility to merge multiple rooms in Matrix/IRC?

Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at https://orgmode.org/.
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