* Eduardo Ochs <eduardoo...@gmail.com> [2022-06-28 09:54]:
> with hyperbole-mode active... my notes are here - for the sake of
> completeness; I don't expect them to be readable -
>   (code-c-d "hyperbole" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/hyperbole-8.0.0/")
>   (require 'hyperbole)
>   (hyperbole-mode 0)
>   (find-hyperbolefile "DEMO")
>   (find-hyperbolefile "DEMO" "Action Key is {M-RET}")

I like that link above. Though I would like to see it a "Action Key is
{M-RET}" so is there a way or some general font lock package that can
make links similar like in Org mode but for all kinds of links, so
that links is hidden and name shown?

I would need that. This is great link:

(find-hyperbolefile "DEMO" "Action Key is {M-RET}")

But would not be better to have something like:

"Hyperbole's __action key is M-RET__ so try it out" without the actual
link there?

I tend towards interpolation, so that links like ⟦ (link 123) ⟧ are
just numbers, but shown as their names as the number is related to
name in the database.

Do you have way to go for something like that?

>   (find-efunction 'action-key-internal)
>   (find-efunction 'hkey-execute)
>   (find-efunction 'hkey-execute "hkey-alist")
>   (find-evardescr 'hkey-alist)

The way how you have listed it above is insightful. I get the
instructions and I get the point. It is way of teaching.

It can be done by any means, Org, eev, Hyperbole. Though one so
important part is missing, the presentation of links. It is cryptic.

Instead of:

>   (find-evardescr 'hkey-alist)

I would like to see visually:

"Description of Emacs Lisp function `hkey-alist'"

What is really good is accessibility, I can click M-e or M-k to go
back, great. That is power. Similarly in Hyperbole, it is M-RET.

>   (find-eppp       hkey-alist)
>   (find-eppp       hkey-alist "(hbut:at-p)")
>   (find-evariable 'hkey-alist)
>   (find-evariable 'hkey-alist "If on a Hyperbole button")
>   (find-evariable 'hkey-alist "If on a Hyperbole button" "(hbut:at-p)")
>   (find-efunction 'hbut:at-p)

There must be some way of quickly generating above links, do you have

Let us say you are in buffer A, you go to Emacs Lisp file at line 134, and
you just press there a key, and link is inserted in buffer A, leading
to Emacs Lisp file at line 134, you have that?

>     (eek "2*<down> C-e <left>")
>     (eek   "<down> C-e <left> M-RET")
>     <insert "foo">

Now you got it. I was following 90%

> Anyway, we are clearly using different notions of simplicity - see:
>   https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/hyperbole-users/2020-09/msg00013.html
> and I find it enviable that you can have that kind of complexity under
> the hood and still have lots of users that agree that Hyperbole is
> "simple"...

It is because users do not care what is under the hood...

But now we have various information management systems, and I would
like to get general Org-like presentation for any kind of links.

Does such package exist already? Do we really need to make it new for
each package?


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