* Robert Weiner <rsw...@gmail.com> [2022-10-11 05:43]:
> I know this does not address everything you want but if you leverage
> Hyperbole’s capabilities, you’ll probably be able to get what you
> want with a lot less code.

What I want is to be able to interpolate links like: ⟦ (some-link) ⟧ on
the fly similarly Org links, in such way that whatever function
`some-link' returns it would be displayed on its place. Function may
return string or string as button or anything else. Then similarly to
org-toggle-link-display I wish to fontify such buttons in editable
buffer and be able to reverse it back. I guess for that to work text
properties shall be able to remember the button ⟦ (some-link) ⟧. But I
do not know much about it, I am learning.

I already use that system though not in editing mode. I have editing
more wher I can see ⟦ something ⟧ and I have presentation mode, where
source is interpolated on the fly and I can see interpolated values or
button links. 

System of interpolation spare me time.

> First, creating an explicit button displays only the button name as
> you like, fontified as you like, and with the button action hidden.
> So then you need to write a function that adds or removed the button
> action from the buffer when you want to see it, utilizing existing
> Hyperbole code from the actype or action class for manipulating
> actions.

> For your generalized syntax, I think you would be better off using
> the angle brackets of Hyperbole’s action buttons but you could
> instead use the defil macro to create your own link button type and
> delimiter format with just a few lines of code.  Just follow the
> example in the docstring for that macro.

I already use Hyperbole on links like ⟦ (rcd-db-tabulated-edit-entry "people" 
1) ⟧
or ⟦ (hyperscope-action 587) ⟧ (the last one brings me to mail mode
with prepared email headers writing email).

It is not hard:
(defil rcd-template-eval "⟦ " " ⟧" ".*" "{M-: \\& RET}")

I can use command to interpolate the source and present it. It works
well. Editing in the same time with interpolated links is what I
miss. That I have in Org mode, but links miss dynamic capacity.

> Org probably has similar capabilities with its link types though not
> as flexible with the syntax.

I would use Org buttons, but they do not have disappearing or dynamic

Text could have Hyperlinks, and be well referenced that way. In export
or interpolating mode, depending of the export type or major mode,
hyperlinks themselves may decide how to interpolate, if to disappear
from text, or if to convert themselves into Org links or into HTML
links, Markdown links, or Emacs links.


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