On 27/11/2022 07:06, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

(defcustom org-clock-clocktable-language-setup
   '(("en" "File"     "L"  "Timestamp"  "Headline" "Time"  "ALL"   "Total time"   "File 
time" "Clock summary at")
     ("es" "Archivo"  "N"  "Fecha y hora" "Tarea" "Tiempo" "TODO" "Tiempo total" "Tiempo 
archivo" "Clock summary at")
     ("fr" "Fichier"  "N"  "Horodatage" "En-tête"  "Durée" "TOUT"  "Durée totale" "Durée 
fichier" "Horodatage sommaire à")
     ("nl" "Bestand"  "N"  "Tijdstip"   "Hoofding" "Duur"  "ALLES" "Totale duur"  
"Bestandstijd" "Clock summary at")
     ("de" "Datei"    "E"  "Zeitstempel" "Kopfzeile" "Dauer" "GESAMT" "Gesamtdauer"  
"Dateizeit" "Erstellt am"))
   "Terms used in clocktable, translated to different languages."

For some reason I believed that gettext was available in Emacs. Actually only a rudimentary variant of `ngettext' (for plurals) was added in 2019. I was going to ask why .po files are not used in Org for translations. Perhaps I confused it with old versions of TeXmacs that sometimes tried to translate each component of file paths.

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