May I have some help with  this table?
I don't have times for the dates which is why I left the times and week
days out of the dates.
This is a running balance table and I don't know what kind of a #TBLFMT
line would be useful for that either.
I think if I ever get good with #TBLFMT lines I'd like to write up tables
that cover many more useful and simpler calculation tables now missing
from documented orgmode.
Suggestions for any other improvements I could make on this table will be
appreciated and implemented if possible.

| date         | transaction      | amount |   fee | balance |
| [2023-01-11] | original balance |  +0.00 | +0.00 | +423.17 |
| [2023-01-12] | dunkin           | -18.68 | -1.00 |  403.49 |
| [2023-01-13] | WalMart          | -28.68 | -1.00 |  384.88 |
| [2023-01-16] | Deposit          |      + |       |  634.88 |
| [2023-01-17] | Capris           |      - |     - |  615.34 |
| [2023-01-17] | Mcdonalds        |  -4.74 | -1.00 |  609.60 |
| [2023-01-18] | verizon          |      - |     - |  543.35 |
| [2023-01-26] | dunkin           |      - |     - |  542.37 |
| [2023-02-01] | damgoodcafe      | -13.28 | -1.00 |  528.09 |
|              |                  |        |       |         |

Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com>
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


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