Thanks much for your help on this problem.  I've never done anything with
ledger-cli yet and wasn't aware such a package existed.

Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com>
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


On Sun, 5 Feb 2023, Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:

> Jude DaShiell <> writes:
> > This is a running balance table and I don't know what kind of a #TBLFMT
> > line would be useful for that either.
> >
> > | date         | transaction      | amount |   fee | balance |
> > |--------------+------------------+--------+-------+---------|
> > | [2023-01-11] | original balance |  +0.00 | +0.00 | +423.17 |
> > | [2023-01-12] | dunkin           | -18.68 | -1.00 |  403.49 |
> > | [2023-01-13] | WalMart          | -28.68 | -1.00 |  384.88 |
> > | [2023-01-16] | Deposit          |      + |       |  634.88 |
> > | [2023-01-17] | Capris           |      - |     - |  615.34 |
> > | [2023-01-17] | Mcdonalds        |  -4.74 | -1.00 |  609.60 |
> > | [2023-01-18] | verizon          |      - |     - |  543.35 |
> > | [2023-01-26] | dunkin           |      - |     - |  542.37 |
> > | [2023-02-01] | damgoodcafe      | -13.28 | -1.00 |  528.09 |
> > |              |                  |        |       |         |
> One thing I could see as useful is a check column to enusre that
> balance - amount - fee actually gives the previous balance:
> | date         | transaction      | amount |   fee | balance |  check |
> |--------------+------------------+--------+-------+---------+--------|
> | [2023-01-11] | original balance |  +0.00 | +0.00 | +423.17 | 423.17 |
> | [2023-01-12] | dunkin           | -18.68 | -1.00 |  403.49 | 423.17 |
> | [2023-01-13] | WalMart          | -28.68 | -1.00 |  384.88 | 414.56 |
> | [2023-01-16] | Deposit          |      + |       |  634.88 | 634.88 |
> | [2023-01-17] | Capris           |      - |     - |  615.34 | 615.34 |
> | [2023-01-17] | Mcdonalds        |  -4.74 | -1.00 |  609.60 | 615.34 |
> | [2023-01-18] | verizon          |      - |     - |  543.35 | 543.35 |
> | [2023-01-26] | dunkin           |      - |     - |  542.37 | 542.37 |
> | [2023-02-01] | damgoodcafe      | -13.28 | -1.00 |  528.09 | 542.37 |
> |              |                  |        |       |         |      0 |
> #+TBLFM: $6='(- $5 $4 $3);N
> As you can see, The balance after WalMart does not add up, so I think
> this could be a good check to have.
> > Suggestions for any other improvements I could make on this table will be
> > appreciated and implemented if possible.
> I use ledger-cli for such tables which can generate suitable output.
> You could do some clever stuff like
> #+name: ledger-to-table
> #+begin_src elisp :var data=""
> (concat "#+name: ledger-results\n"
>           data
>           "#+tblfm: \n"))
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src ledger :results raw :post ledger-to-table(*this*) :cmdline 
> --register-format "| %(format_date(date)) | %(payee) | %(display_account) | 
> %(display_amount) | %(display_total) | \n" reg -M --wide --date-format 
> %y-%m-%d
> 2022-06-15 * py2guile
>     ArneBab:Assets:Autorenhonorar:epubli             3.13?
>     ArneBab:Income:sale:nonrpg:epubli
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src elisp :exports results
> (org-babel-do-load-languages
>  'org-babel-load-languages
>  '((ledger . t)         ;this is the important one for this tutorial
>   ))
> nil
> #+end_src
> If you use ledger-cli for accounting, you can do pretty clever
> post-processing inside org-mode. Here?s an example that uses
> [[][--register-format]]
>  to provide the register results directly as an
> org-mode table:
> #+begin_src org
> ,#+name: ledger-to-table
> ,#+begin_src elisp :var data=""
> (concat "#+name: ledger-results\n"
>           data
>           "#+tblfm: \n"))
> ,#+end_src
> ,#+begin_src ledger :results raw :post ledger-to-table(*this*) :cmdline 
> --register-format "| %(format_date(date)) | %(payee) | %(display_account) | 
> %(display_amount) | %(display_total) | \n" reg -D --wide --date-format 
> %Y-%m-%d
> 2022-06-15 * py2guile
>     ArneBab:Assets:Autorenhonorar:epubli             3.13?
>     ArneBab:Income:sale:nonrpg:epubli
> ,#+end_src
> #+end_src
> This results in output like this (evaluated live on every export of this 
> website):
> #+name: ledger-to-table
> #+begin_src elisp :var data=""
> (concat "#+name: ledger-results\n"
>           data
>           "#+tblfm: \n"))
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src ledger :results raw :post ledger-to-table(*this*) :cmdline 
> --register-format "| %(format_date(date)) | %(payee) | %(display_account) | 
> %(display_amount) | %(display_total) | \n" reg -D --wide --date-format 
> %Y-%m-%d
> 2022-06-15 * py2guile
>     ArneBab:Assets:Autorenhonorar:epubli             3.13?
>     ArneBab:Income:sale:nonrpg:epubli
> #+end_src
> #+name: ledger-results
> | 2022-06-15 | - 2022-06-15 | ArneBab:Assets:Autorenhonorar:epubli | 3.13? | 
> 3.13? |
> | 2022-06-15 | - 2022-06-15 | ArneBab:Income:sale:nonrpg:epubli | -3.13? | 
> 0.00? |
> #+tblfm:
> Also see
> -
> -
> Best wishes,
> Arne

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