often we include content in export templates that is only relevant in
particular situations.

“export features” allow for the specification of qualities of the org buffer being exported that imply certain “features”, and how those features may be
implemented in a particular export.

now `\usepackage{svg}' is automatically added when exporting a buffer that
includes SVG images.

│ (org-export-update-features 'beamer
│   (beamer-metropolis
│ :condition (string-match-p \"metropolis$\" (plist-get info :beamer-theme))
│    :snippet my-org-beamer-metropolis-tweaks
│    :order 3))

As discussed on the Doom Emacs Discord, I strongly suggest renaming to avoid overloading the term "feature". To me, your description indicates sinppets are inserted contextually. Org has a similar notion of contexts with `org-capture-templates-contexts'. A similar name would be better as it does not overload the term "feature", which already has a different meaning in elisp.
e.g. org-export-backend-contexts

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