Arthur Miller <> writes:

> Bruno Barbier <> writes:
>> Arthur Miller <> writes:
>> The hook `org-capture-mode-hook' will be run in your special
>> capture buffer. You can override the "C-c C-c" binding only there.
> Yes and in every other capture buffer

No. If you modify the hook only during your call to 'org-capture', it
will be called only once in your buffer.

>> Even if I could let bind the function at the right time, I would avoid
>> that solution, as I can't garantuee that this global hack will not break
>> other parts of Emacs (other captures, output filters, threads, timers,
>> etc.).
> Why do you think it will break other parts? This is not a global hack, on 
> contrary it
> exactly tries to prevent to be "global" in entire Emacs, by let-binding a name
> to a local lambda, which becomes "global" only in that buffer. If that
> explains.

You are assigning a local value to the global binding. Everything in
Emacs will use your functions until you exit the cl-letf. It's like if
you were using 'fset'.

Here is an example that uses cl-letf. Note that the call to
async-shell-command is outside the "local" binding, yet, the cl-letf
breaks it. You should try this in an other Emacs, just in case.

(defun oops ()
  (let ((v (async-shell-command "date" "!sh async")))
        (((symbol-function 'comint-output-filter)
          (lambda (proc string)
            (message "async-shell-command is using my binding: %s" string)
            (read-string "What's the password?"))))
      (read-string "what: ")

> Here is another version on the same theme, where I don't think you could 
> modify the local
> environment without let-binding at all:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defun my-read-string (prompt)
>   (let ((delta 20 )
>         (minibuffer-mode-map org-mode-map))
>     (window-resize (minibuffer-window) delta)
>     (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c)
>                (lambda ()
>                  (interactive)
>                  (let ((s (buffer-string)))
>                    (exit-minibuffer) s)))
>               ((symbol-function 'minibuffer-mode) #'org-mode)
>               ((symbol-function 'minibuffer-complete-and-exit) #'org-return)
>               ((symbol-function 'org-kill-note-or-show-branches) 
> #'keyboard-escape-quit))
>       (read-string (concat "# Press C-c C-c to continue, C-c C-k to cancel\n# 
> " prompt "\n\n")))))
> #+end_src

I hope I've convinced you to not do that. I definitely will not try it,
as Emacs needs a working minibuffer for plenty of things: debugging,
saving, quitting, etc.

> read-string is written in C and creates its own minibuffer, which is deleted 
> by
> the time read-string exits. I don't know of any other way to cutomize exactly
> *that* minibuffer, without installing a hook or advising some functions, 
> which I
> think is way less clean and much more "global" than just running the function 
> in
> a local environment. As I understand, let binding for this purpose is a normal
> technique in lisps, but I am not an expert as said; I am actually 
> experimenting
> with this for the purpose of learning and seeing what is possible.

Yes, let binding is fundamental. But I think it's the first time I see
'cl-letf' with the 'symbol-function' place.

> ...
> but I am not sure if I can do anything here without introducing at-least an
> extra keymap, to not install into the org-capture-mode-map, so I can as well
> create a minor mode, but at this point it is not much different than
> re-invinting the read-string, so I'll terminate my experiment here :).

You can replace the buffer keymap with a keymap that only contain your custom
keys, and inherits everything else from org-capture-mode-map.

> But I wouldn't speak in some generic terms like "use hooks" or "advise" 
> instead
> of let-binding.

I didn't mean to say to not use let bindings. I'm trying to say that
using 'fset' (i.e. cl-letf + the symbol-function place) looks like a
really bad idea to me. And, in this case, hooks and adivces are what is
usually used.

> (defun org-project-new-project ()
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((org-capture-templates org-project-templates))
>     (org-capture)))
> ...

> I don't know what would be the alternative, but let-binding on
> org-capture-templates, let me clearly re-use the functionality without 
> polluting
> the global org-capture-templates variable and without re-implementing pretty
> much anything.

That looks to me like a perfect use of a let binding.  You bind a dynamic
*variable* using *let*, and, that variable is rebound, and used, during, and
only during 'org-capture'.

> I am very interested to hear more on the topic, since I would definitely like 
> to
> learn more about different techniques.

Variables are designed to be overriden (let bounds). Functions are not
(as there is only one binding at any given time).

> Hope that explains a bit more on the background of the experiment :).

I'm still confused about the idea of making 'read-string' behave like
'org-capture', but, we use Emacs because we can experiment! No need for
justification ;-)

And, experimenting with the minibuffer, which is one of the fundamental
component to control Emacs, that's definitely courageous :-)



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