Arthur Miller <> writes:

> Bruno Barbier <> writes:
> That looks very nice indeed. I am not aware of that package, I will definitely
> use it somewhere, sometime. But with that we are getting now into 1K extra 
> sloc
> solution. With this experiment, I was mostly interesting to see how I can 
> re-use
> what already is in Emacs. Lisps are great for prototyping and writing new
> software. Legend says that Steele was cranking out 10 intepreters a week at 
> his
> time :). I don't know how true it is, just read it in some blog, but the
> point is that we are rather typing fast new pieces instead of learning how
> to re-use stuff, which in the long run I believe is a bad habit, since we are
> debugging bits that does the same what someone else already debugged. Don't 
> get
> me wrong, I have nothing against using someones package, certainly not
> with-editor, seems like a good package; I am just talking about programming in
> general.

... And the piece of code, that I just wrote and sent, was already
available in Emacs (see Ihor's email). I've definitely failed to do my
research before coding ... I definitely get your point! :-)

> This was also me trying to get better in Emacs Lisp, but I have to admit I am 
> a
> bit dissapointed we can't just override function bindings with cl-flet. 
> Function
> slot is just another slot :).
> I am using cl-labels and cl-flet myself to introduce "local" functions, to not
> pollute global namespace (symbol table), which they are good for, and to keep
> code local where it is used, and I think they are also slightly more clear 
> then
> lambdas. They are good for that, unfortunately it is a bit of dissapoitment 
> that
> we can't locally bind functions slots other then actually overriding them 
> globally.

Since I've learned that cl-flet and cl-labels are local lexically, I'm
using them more and more: that removes lot of noisy funcalls, compare to

> And for the last time: I am not using this version of read-string, I don't 
> need
> it myself; it was just me thinking how to implement something after reading a
> blog post. Anyway, thanks for the input, it was valuable to me.

Got it. Thanks for your patience and your valuable inputs too.

And I'm definitely going to use the version that is in Emacs. Thanks for
this too.



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