On 03/03/2023 17:07, Andrea Lazzarini wrote:

After setting 'org-export-with-footnotes' to 'nil',
the space following the footnote is removed when exporting (I’ve tested
this with pandoc [docx and html]).

I am unsure if pandoc is relevant. However the issue exists for ox, e.g. ox-latex and ox-html.

«Pellentesque dapibus suscipit ligula.[fn:1]  Donec posuere augue in quam.»

Self-containing example:

---- 8< ----
#+options: f:nil

Pellentesque dapibus suscipit ligula.[fn::1 ftnt] Donec posuere augue in quam.
---- >8 ----


A workaround is to either add a zero-width space or use non-breakable space (as literal character or as \nbsp{} entity) immediately after footnotes.

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