Rob Sargent <> writes:

>>> You need a package like wasysym that defines these symbols. Check the 
>>> web for David Carlisle, Scott Pakin, and Alexander Holt's "The Great, 
>>> Big List of LaTeX Symbols" for more information.
>>> ...
> I settled for \ding{54}, but of course that doesn't work in the HTML 
> export.  I keep bumping in to this works-here-not-there in export. Quite 
> disappointing.

By default, Org HTML export uses MathJax to render LaTeX.
However, MathJax only supports a subset of LaTeX capabilities.
The only universal (but ugly) way to support arbitrary LaTeX is
converting LaTeX fragments to images. See "13.9.10 Math formatting in
HTML export" section of Org manual.

Alternatively, if the problem is just with unicode symbols, you can use
inline export snippets @@html:<unicode character>@@ to fine-tune HTML
export. Also, see "13.5 Macro Replacement".

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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