On 3/6/23 Rob Sargent <rsarg...@xmission.com> wrote:

> I think I have to decide on one format and stick with it.  I get bitten
> by ODT/DOC transformations, not sure I like the default look of
> LaTeX/pdf, HTML is pretty reliable but not best for handing out. Maybe
> I'll go back to "text" and call it good.

If my .2 cents can help:

At the end, I bargained with myself and settled for PDF/LaTeX. I'm using

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{helvet}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault}

for SansSerif fonts after some reading about adapted documents. They
seem to work well with most LaTeX classes as well as Beamer
presentations and handouts.

I'm spending time with listing exports because I'm not against some
code samples being available for *reliable* copy and paste and the
current exporters in LaTeX don't completely please me (but that's the
real danger with LaTeX, noone but me to blame for it ;-) )

Best, /PA
Fragen sind nicht da um beantwortet zu werden,
Fragen sind da um gestellt zu werden
Georg Kreisler

Headaches with a Juju log:
unit-basic-16: 09:17:36 WARNING juju.worker.uniter.operation we should
run a leader-deposed hook here, but we can't yet

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