
I'm not sure that I understand your issue or needs from the provided examples, 
but I wonder if the example I provide here would be helpful. It bypasses :var 
an lets you inject a PROPERTY value anywhere. It is also language agnostic. You 
can use it to execute commands (that are set as PROPERTY values) or set 
variables to values.



On 2023-03-15 at 18:54 -04, suarezmigu...@icloud.com wrote...
> Hello Org-mode community. I’m using Emacs Doom Framework, specifically:
> Emacs 28.2 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin22.3.0, Carbon Version 169
> AppKit 2299.4) of 2023-02-23.
> I use heavily org-mode for Literate DevOps, so I have a lot of shell
> commands that connect through SSH and do some things later, for
> example:
> #+name: initSSH
> #+begin_src shell :var connection=“admin@somehost"
> ssh -t miguel@host "sudo -u someuser ssh -t $connection 'sudo su'"
> #+end_src
> So then I can call:
> #+call: initSSH(connection=“admin@anotherhost”)
> With any other header parameters or session, the above works
> correctly. I cannot use tramp due to network latency issues, so this
> is the most performance way for me, since I also have to do some
> multi-hops which are indeed supported in tramp, but it is too slow for
> me, so I rather only commands.
> The thing is that, I then would like to call these not with a #+call
> function, but add them into a bigger script, let’s say that I define
> another command:
> #+name: getStorage
> #+begin_src shell
> df
> #+end_src
> Which has to be run in a remote server, could be any remote server as
> I have to connect to several. So I would like to be able to:
> #+begin_src shell
> <<initSSH(connection=“admin@anotherhost”)>>
> <<getStorage>>
> #+end_src
> The first doesn’t work as org-mode runs the code and passes the
> resulting string to bash, which isn’t a command. The latter works
> normally. So the issue here are the parameters.
> So I made another simple example for this:
> #+name: greeting
> #+begin_src sh :var name="world" :results output :session testing
> echo "hello, $name\!"
> #+end_src
> #+results: greeting
> #+begin_src sh
> hello, world\!
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src shell
> <<greeting(name="ss")>>
> #+end_src
> This results in sh: hello,: command not found, as it is executing the 
> function. I see in the documentation that I can:
> - Call a function’s body with <<namedcodeblock>>
> - Execute a function and return its results with <<namedcodeblock()>>
> - Execute a function and return its results even with different params with 
> <<namedcodeblock(param=“sds”)>>
> So right now, the one that’s missing is, call a function’s body with 
> different parameters. So the
> function <<namedcodeblock>> is not evaluated.
> After searching a lot, I came across:
> #+begin_src shell :session testing
> <<greeting[:body](name="Testingggg")>>
> #+end_src
> Which results in:
> sh-3.2$ PS1="org_babel_sh_prompt> "
> org_babel_sh_prompt> name='Testingggg'
> org_babel_sh_prompt> echo "hello, $name\!"
> hello, Testingggg\!
> org_babel_sh_prompt> echo 'org_babel_sh_eoe'
> org_babel_sh_eoe
> org_babel_sh_prompt> hello, Testingggg\!
> sh: hello,: command not found
> org_babel_sh_prompt> echo 'org_babel_sh_eoe'
> org_babel_sh_eoe
> org_babel_sh_prompt> 
> Which is somewhat what I need since at least the variable is changed,
> but the result of this execution is also passed to shell so, same
> error.
> I can’t find much documentation about this, what is the correct syntax
> here?,
> Thank you!

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