
> I use heavily org-mode for Literate DevOps, so I have a lot of shell commands 
> that connect through SSH and do some things later, for example:
> #+name: initSSH
> #+begin_src shell :var connection=“admin@somehost"
> ssh -t miguel@host "sudo -u someuser ssh -t $connection 'sudo su'"
> #+end_src
p ...>
> #+name: getStorage
> #+begin_src shell
> df
> #+end_src
> Which has to be run in a remote server, could be any remote server as I have 
> to connect to several. So I would like to be able to:
> #+begin_src shell
> <<initSSH(connection=“admin@anotherhost”)>>
> <<getStorage>>
> #+end_src

You can just

#+begin_src shell :var connection "admin@anotherhost"

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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