> On Mon, 8 May 2023 at 18:35, Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:

> I think this is the package we are referring to?
> https://github.com/larstvei/ox-gfm

Thanks very much
> https://list.orgmode.org/m2eh1adtye....@ifi.uio.no/

> The README says loading ox-gfm adds it to the org-export-dispatch, I
> tried doing (require 'ox-gfm) and it started showing up. But I don't
> know if there is any other/better way to do that.

Indeed, the require call is need. 

Sigh: the package system sometimes confuses me because the functions
provided by ox-gfm were already available after installation, without
the require command.

Anyhow thanks very much

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