Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> URL: https://bbb.emacsverse.org/b/iho-h7r-qg8-led
> Time & Date: <2023-08-09 Wed 19:00-21:00 @+03,Europe/Istanbul>
> The room will be open half an hour before the official start.

Thanks everyone who participated! We had quite a few people by Emacs
meetup standards.

Here is a short summary of the main discussion points (those that I

- Adham Omran announced his new package for Anki (flash card/spaced
  repetition) integration:
  Efficiently create Anki flashcards from your notes.

- Ilya Cheryshov announced his new package to display agenda time grid
  as _interactive_ svg image. Looks like the usual Google calendar view,
  but inside Emacs.
  Org mailing list discussion: 

  - Similar, but ASCII-only package:
    https://github.com/ml729/calfw-blocks, based on Calfw Emacs calendar 

- More on visualizing Org statistics:
  - https://github.com/rksm/clj-org-analyzer/: clocking data visualizer
    using web-frontend. Features heatmap view of clocking time
    per-day. Allows filtering by tags.
  - https://github.com/Elilif/org-heatmap/: monthly heatmap for habit tracking
  - A bit tangent, but illustrates how to make use of time clocking:
    - One more article I did not mention during the meetup:

- [[info:eintr#Top][eintr#Top]] Elisp introduction for non-programmers. This is 
really a
  well-written manual worth reading if your config is larger than a few

- yantar92's window manager: Awesome WM https://awesomewm.org/

- https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/worg is the source code of Org WIKI (WORG)
  [ Contributions welcome: a number of articles really need some love there ]
  - We also have some Org internals documented as articles in WORG.

- Meeting report export template (backend):
  which reminded me of actual LaTeX template by Tecosaur (Org dev): 

- New WIP fast LaTeX preview system with instant preview as you type
  - Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-AfvuV-bYo
  - Another demo previously posted on the mailing list:
  - And the mailing list discussion with more details: 

- =#+begin_src :<tab>= will give you completion of header arguments
  - Same for #+ keywords and, sometimes, for their values (like for #+TAGS: 
  - The underlying code is in lisp/org-pcomplete.el
  - Also, see org-eldoc (part of org-contrib): 

- Collaboration using Org mode
  - Concurrent editing options are not great, unfortunately:
    - https://code.librehq.com/qhong/crdt.el (need Emacs for all sides)
    - https://logseq.com/: similar to notion/obsidian, but supports Org syntax
  - Can use Git, if not real-time. Org is just a plain text.
  - I also used email workflow using pdf export -> sending email ->
    getting pdf with comments back -> modifying Org source -> ...

- Authoring books/thesis in Org
  - Adham Omran wrote his thesis in Arabic using Org mode
    - Emacs has built-in right-to-left language support
      [[info:emacs#Bidirectional Editing][emacs#Bidirectional Editing]]
    - Right-to-left may be mixed with left-to-right (English) in Org
      export, though some LaTeX-specific tweaking may be needed.
      - Org offers _some_ help with #+LANGUAGE document keyword
        (see [[info:org#LaTeX specific export settings][org#LaTeX specific 
export settings]])
        - Also, https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87h6z7jq4o.fsf@localhost/
    - There was a question about XeLaTeX, but, AFAIK, event normal
      LaTeX can support Arabic and other Unicode languages with
      polyglossia package. Although fonts may be tricky to set and a
      number of people opt-in to LuaTeX/XeLaTeX for smoother
      experience (the downside is that non-LaTeX may not always be an
      option in real-life publisher requirements)
    - Examples from Org mailing list on complex typesetting while keeping 
sources in Org mode
      - https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87y1yovcip....@posteo.net/
      - The bi-lingual book I mentioned:

- Adham Omran wrote colemak input method for Arabic (only qwerty-based
  variant is available by default in Emacs)
  - I suggested submitting it as a patch for Emacs core.

- On the Emacs fringe indicators showing buffer begin/end
  - ↑↓ indicate that there is more text above/below the screen
  - 「」 indicate begin/end of the buffer text within displayed part of the buffer
  - These can be enabled using ~(setq-default indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left)~

- Using ~helm-org-ql~ for searching across knowledge base, git commits, and 
  - I modify the default ~org-ql~ search adding a number of shortcuts to 
quickly filter by tag/todo keyword
      - My modifications are tailored to my own fork of org-ql: 
      - Although the particular special feature I used here (custom
        default org-ql predicate) is already implemented upstream,
        though using different defcustom.
    - I have a custom helm search, unifying org-ql, notmuch search
      (for emails), and git commit search
      - I also add custom helm actions to insert bookmark/commit/email
        Urls or Org links right from helm search.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>

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