
I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but after hunting down the problem for an 
hour (and finding it), I felt that I needed to report this just in case.

I have a .org file which is just a list of Emacs commands I like to keep handy 
to refer to (navigation, selection, commands in some modes etc…) One of these 
had help about the [/] command for a header for a list. However, because I had 
[/] and no numbers in it (it was just an example to show me how to do it if I 
forgot), it kept saving a backup copy of that file anytime that I saved it, and 
kept that backup “alive” to track. The name of the regular file is 
emacshelp.org, and the file it kept creating in my directory was 
.#emacshelp.org#  -> 

This was intensely annoying because anytime that I did a Magit stage and 
commit, it would keep asking me if I wanted to save the file - every time I 
would input a command in Magit for every stage/commit etc…

Just adding = = around the [/] removed this behaviour.

Again: Since it took me an hour to figure out, as was frustrating as hell, to 
find the “bug" (I don’t know how you programmers do this for a living…), I 
figured I’d report it.

I’m running Emacs on a MacBook Pro (M series). I doubt it has something to do 
with the OS, but please ask if you need more info.

I’m sorry to spam everyone if this is already a known behaviour. 
Emacs Version: d12frosted’s emacs plus, 30.0.50
Org version: 9.6.7


Summer Emacs

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