Summer Emacs <> writes:

> 3) In one of the headers, it looked something like this:
> * C-c C-c on [/] to update done items in todo list.
> That [/] just like that was creating a backup file on every save named 
> —> summer@summer.local.23434:882343 (those are made up 
> numbers but it was always random and looked something like that in the ls -la 
> command in terminal.)

Saving backup files is controlled by your configuration
- it is the default Emacs behaviour to save them.

> Since I regularly add notes to my file, I also use Magit to save a backup 
> copy (M-x g). But whenever I did that, it would ask if I wanted to save 
> Obviously it was being affected by the backup file (which was 
> never open in a buffer, it just was “there” in the directory).
> An example of Magit interaction for adding/committing changes to that file 
> would look something like this: (from file)
> 1) M-x g
> 2) Minibuffer: Do you want to save Y/n/etc…
> 3) s
> 4) Minibuffer: Do you want to save Y/n/etc…
> 5) c c
> 6) Minibuffer: Do you want to save Y/n/etc…
> ...

This is abnormal.

> You get the idea. Every single thing I did in Magit would ask me this. My 
> file (the original - was saved with C-x C-s AND even C-x s to 
> save all files. But it didn’t matter how I answered that question, it would 
> keep asking it no matter what. No matter what I did, it kept asking me that 
> question, over and over and over again. Because of that “backup” file.
> Note: This is behaviour which *only* happened with this single file, not with 
> any other file I use.

My suspicion that it is triggered by some kind of strange
`after-save-hook' in your config.

> Finally, putting = = around [/] in my notes to produce: =[/]= escaped that 
> behaviour. It no longer does that. It took me an hour of rebuilding my file 
> line by line to figure out *why* this was happening, but that was the line 
> and that was the exact problem.

[/] in Org is called statistics cookie and some parts of Org may alter
it to refresh TODO/checkbox statistics. See "5.5 Breaking Down Tasks
into Subtasks".

However, I do not see why this should happen _after_ save, unless
something in your config is triggering the update.

Without more information, I cannot provide more assistance
unfortunately. I also do not see how we can help on Org side as the
problem _appears_ to be with your personal config.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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