Max Nikulin <> writes:

> Do you think a label specifying language should be added to code 
> snippets, e.g. <code title="elisp">(identity "a")</code> or it is 
> useless and may cause undesired noise for screen reader users? What 
> about LaTeX?

As a user, I would expect

  [[elisp:(identity "a")]]

to be export-equivalent to

  src_elisp[:exports code]{(identity "a")}

across all backends.

[If Org works as it should, then that solves
screen readers, LaTeX, etc.]

> What is your expectation for links having description?
>    [[elisp:(identity "a")][Run it]]

Good point!  Perhaps we just need to find a
good symbol that would work well between the
Elisp code and the description?

For example

  /Run it/ \to src_elisp[:exports code]{(identity "a")}

exports to ASCII as

  /Run it/ -> `(identity "a")'

Of course, \to could be something else...


"Thinking is a momentary dismissal of irrelevancies."
-- Richard Buckminster Fuller, 1969

Rudolf Adamkovič <> [he/him]
Studenohorská 25
84103 Bratislava

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