This is a timely discussion. I have been thinking about how
to deal with prefixes defined by the #+link: keyword which is
directly related to this question.

I think the following might be a solution that also avoids the
issue brought up by Arne.

The original "bug" cannot be resolved because bare URIs
have syntax that conflicts with Org syntax. However I think
we can do better than directing users to org-link-set-parameters.

My suggestion is as follows. Schemes/prefixes defined by the
#+link: keyword can be used without surrounding syntax markers
but may not contain spaces etc. To support this Org parsers
should always parse prefix:suffix as a _putative_ link which
must then be checked against a list of known schemes that
are either built in or have been declared by the user to indeed
be legitimate schemes.

In the tel: case, the way to solve the original bug is simply
to add the line #+link: tel tel: which would tell Org that e.g.
tel:555-555-5555 is a real uri, and that it should expand to

At the same time this solution would avoid Arne's issue
(which I also have in some of my documents where I have
use fig: and tbl: as prefixes in names and reference them
via [[fig:figure-name]]) because the parser would only treat
prefix: in an internal link as a scheme if it is defined explicitly
by the user in a #+link: keyword or in their init.el.


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