---- On Sat, 18 Nov 2023 16:54:39 +0100  Max Nikulin  wrote --- 

 > I have faced an inconsistency with :cmdline treatment in ob-shell.el. 

These are sadly easy to find.  

If you run:

#+begin_src bash :cmdline 1 
echo "$1"

Then it fails with 

list: Wrong type argument: sequencep, 1

However, running this works:

#+begin_src bash :cmdline "1" 
echo "$1"

I didn't dig too much into it, but it looks like :cmdline expects a sequence.  
When multiple arguments are passed, such as :cmdline 1 2 3, then "1 2 3" is 
passed into process-file.  (sequencep "1 2 3") is t.  (sequencep 1) is nil.  
So, to work around this a single :cmdline argument must be surrounded by quotes 
to make it a sequence.  (sequencep "1") is t.  Obviously, this should be fixed.

Attached is a patch to test for this whenever we're ready to tackle making 
execution mutually consistent.  I'm still reviewing the library and am not 
quite ready for that yet.

Attachment: test-cmdline-with-single-argument-shouldnt-require-quotes.patch
Description: Binary data

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