Hi Matt and Ihor,

>> Any thoughts? I have not yet updated it for the most recent changes to
>> main, but I can do that.
> As you found in another thread, we have a WIP overhaul of the whole
> LaTeX preview system. I hope that it can be merged in the coming few
> months.
> AFAIU, the new system will allow setting the scale factor - see
> <https://git.tecosaur.net/tec/org-mode/src/branch/dev/lisp/org-latex-preview.el#L57>
> Although, it does not look like a function is accepted as an allowed
> value.
> CCing Timothy and Karthik - they may have comments on the possibility to
> allow function as :scale value.

I must admit that with the new system, I don’t see much value in accepting a
function: we now scale the previews based on a combination of the :scale
parameter and their actual LaTeX display size.

All the best,

Timothy (‘tecosaur’/‘TEC’), Org mode contributor.
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