Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez <> writes:

> In practice, I was not able to delete the .eln files from a make native.

I am wondering why you wanted to run make native.
When I added that target, it was mostly to test inconsistencies between
make single and make native. However, AFAIU, there should be no
inconsistencies in practice. So, maybe we can instead just delete make
native target? Or is there any value in ahead of time native-compilation
when working with Org git repo?

> In order to have a more controlled environment, I delete them _before_
> I refresh my local org-mode/main directory, and then do a make native
> after refreshing my local copy.
> Same happened when testing modifications. When testing a modification
> I always make cleaneln; make native to test it
> Maybe I'm a bit too 'meticulous' but that's me ;-)

"more controlled environment" does not sound like a real concern caused
by something breaking. I am joining Max's question on whether you
encountered any real issue with native compilation.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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