Hi Max,

On Thursday, 18 Apr 2024 at 22:05, Max Nikulin wrote:
> I am still curious if pandoc can handle your math expressions.

The short answer: not quite but definitely much better than latexmlmath.

The longer answer: my equation has a number of terms with subscripts
where the subscripts themselves have subscripts.  In LaTeX, something
like $a_{b_c}$.  Pandoc generates

<msub> a <msub> b c </msub></msub>

(where the a, b, and c are <mi>...</mi>) whereas, by hand, I use

<msub> a <mrow><msub> b c </msub></mrow></msub>

which has a more "LaTeX" protected feel.

The latter works but the former (pandoc) does show properly for most of
the terms but not all of them (showing a red upside down question mark
instead of the subscripted subscript).  Yet all these terms have the
same structure in MML.

Pandoc also wraps the inner contents of the <math>...</math> block in
<semantics>.  I do not know what that does as I've only just started
learning mathml.

Thanks again for all the help today.  I may actually meet my deadline...


PS. my remaining task, were I to use EXPORT ODT blocks, is figuring out
how to style (typeface, size, etc.) the equation properly, something
which the link approach does magically (well, seems like magic to me at
the moment ;-)).  But that can wait for after my deadline!

: Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.6.23-1320-g1be2f9 in Emacs 30.0.50

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