Phil <> writes:

> The ability to tangle to multiple destinations is a very convenient way
> to manage cluster configurations. No, it's more than that: it's an
> *awesome* way to deploy and keep clusters configs and repros well
> organized.
> ...
> #+begin_example
> #+begin_src elisp :n-tangle "hosts-A&B/tmp" :tangle /x/y :mkdirp t
>    (org-babel-n-tangle '(4))
> #+end_src
> #+end_example
> In the above example the tangled outputs goes to
> *hostA:/tmp/x/y* and *hostB:/tmp/x/y* using a default protocol.
> In the absence of *:n-tangle* or when
> *org-babel-ntangle-destinations* is nil.
> *org-babel-n-tangle* behaves like *org-babel-tangle*
> What do you think ?

This sounds like a logic extension of the existing tangle mechanism.
Although, I feel that the semantics is a bit cumbersome.

IMHO, a more natural approach would be (1) Introduce :tangle-directory
parameter that defines relative directory to be used as tangle target;
this directory, if defined, will be used instead of the Org file
directory to expand the tangle target; (2) Allow :tangle-directory and
:tangle-file to be a list of targets to write.

Then, we can modify `org-babel-effective-tangled-filename' to account
for :tangle directory and modify `org-babel-tangle' (as you did) to
write to multiple targets.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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