Adam Spiers <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 04:49:23PM -0300, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
> > In addition, while I also agree that footnotes shouldn't be in a 
> > presentation
> > they are allowed when working with beamer and may be useful in some cases. 
> > If
> > org-mode export footnotes as beamer notes then some months from now someone
> > would be asking here in the mailing-list how to enter a standard footnote 
> > when
> > exporting to beamer.
> I agree - unfortunately there are genuinely sensible uses of footnotes
> in presentations.  For example, citation of sources for quotations,
> data etc. is ideally accomplished by footnotes: they are not used
> during the presentation itself, but by distributing paper and/or
> electronic copies after the talk, footnotes provide essential
> reference data for perusal by the audience at a later date.
I think that's an argument *for* Eric's idea (assuming that the handout
includes notes - that's my practice, but maybe not everybody does that,
although they *should* :-) ).

In general, I think slides should be very simple: single-level lists,
single idea per slide, no footnotes - but I know that generalities like
that are just guidelines: meant to be broken, given a good enough cause.

> Imagine a slide showing the results of a benchmark, claiming "X is
> much faster than Y!"  You might want to talk briefly about how the
> results were obtained, and about the impact of the results, but you
> would also need to be able to tell the audience they could
> independently verify the results by obtaining a copy of the slides and
> visiting the URL contained in the footnote - especially if the results
> are controversial!  In this case, it would not matter that the URL was
> too small to be legible from the back of the room.

How does inverting Eric's idea sound: invent a new kind of footnote,
let's call it, say, a "pnote", which is treated exactly like a footnote in
all exports *except* beamer. In beamer, footnotes end up in the frame
and pnotes end up in the notes.

Not sure whether the implementation would be as simple as this makes it
sound, but who knows?[1]


[1] Well, OK: Carsten knows...

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