Yeah, thanks. It is really a shame that emacs will run orgmode this
slow on OSX. OSX is now my platform of choice, and emacs my editor of
choice. I keep a big reference org file with tons of tons of notes,
but, even with the settings you suggested (thanks for that!) it is
still very slow. I'm considering switching my notes to evernote,
although I would really like to just stay with emacs+orgmode, but it's
just too slow as of now :(


On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Manuel Hermenegildo <> wrote:
> It worked for me too: it is much better now. Thanks very much for the
> tip! ---Manuel
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Manuel Hermenegildo                       | Prof., C.S.Dept., T.U. Madrid 
> (UPM)
> Director, IMDEA SW Institute & CLIP Group | +34-91-336-7435 (W) -352-4819 
> (Fax)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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