So, I just found out something interesting. I told emacs not to load
my init.el file (i.e vanilla emacs). I then opened the same "big"
orgmode file and it rendered pretty quickly! Also, navigating through
the file and sending other org commands happens instantly. It is
probably some configuration that I have throughout my big suite of el
files. I will try to isolate it tomorrow and share the veredict with
you guys.


On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
<> wrote:
>>It depends of course on what *else* you are running, but prima facie,
>>swapping doesn't look to be the problem. Nevertheless, is a disk going
>>wild while you are opening the file?
> No. CPU is going wild, though.
>>This is the wrong process: this is the line for the "grep emacs"
>>command, not for emacs itself. Maybe try "grep Emacs"? I don't know
>>what the emacs command name is on OSX.
> Sorry about that. Here it is:
>>501  6163   213   0  48  0  2858968  46920 -      S      ??    0:04.30 
>>/Applications/ -psn_0_782527
>>But is it org mode that runs like this? or something else? The elp stats
>>showed that org-mode was pretty much in the noise.
>>Does this happen when you open *any* large file or only when you open
>>the org file (and iirc, it was not a very big file: smaller than 1Mb?)
> Seems so. For example, if I open the same org file without orgmode
> activated, it renders pretty fast, without any apparent issues. I also
> have some big ruby script files which don't have any rendering
> performance issues whatsoever.
> I might have to reinstall emacs and configure things from scratch to
> try to isolate the issue.
> Thanks!
> Marcelo.
> On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 11:08 PM, Nick Dokos <> wrote:
>> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <> wrote:
>>> HI Nicholas, thanks for the reply,
>>> >How long does it take for emacs to show
>>> >you the file?
>>> From the moment I press <enter> on the minibuffer to the moment the
>>> whole file is rendered, it takes about 3 seconds. So, it does take
>>> longer than I would expect.
>>> I have a 10-months old Macbook, and its specs are quite recent, check
>>> out (from System Profiler):
>>>   Model Name: MacBook
>>>   Model Identifier:   MacBook6,1
>>>   Processor Name:     Intel Core 2 Duo
>>>   Processor Speed:    2.26 GHz
>>>   Number Of Processors:       1
>>>   Total Number Of Cores:      2
>>>   L2 Cache:   3 MB
>>>   Memory:     4 GB
>>>   Bus Speed:  1.07 GHz
>>>   Boot ROM Version:   MB61.00C8.B00
>>>   SMC Version (system):       1.51f53
>>>   Serial Number (system):     W89483Q78PX
>>>   Hardware UUID:      413C6EF2-12B3-5C38-A3CA-5A1F924867D7
>>>   Sudden Motion Sensor:
>>>   State:      Enabled
>>> So, the system is quite capable and is definetly should not be the 
>>> bottleneck.
>> It depends of course on what *else* you are running, but prima facie,
>> swapping doesn't look to be the problem. Nevertheless, is a disk going
>> wild while you are opening the file?
>>> What I note though is that when I open this big org file and try to
>>> naviagate around, the CPU usage goes up to 100% and then
>>> gradually goes down to 0 as I stop giving any other commands. Check
>>> out the screenshot below:
>> Does this happen when you open *any* large file or only when you open
>> the org file (and iirc, it was not a very big file: smaller than 1Mb?)
>>> When I run "ps awlx | grep emacs", I get the following output:
>>>  >501  5733  5578   0  31  0  2425520    168 -      R+   s000
>>> 0:00.00 grep emacs
>> This is the wrong process: this is the line for the "grep emacs"
>> command, not for emacs itself. Maybe try "grep Emacs"? I don't know
>> what the emacs command name is on OSX.
>>> ...
>>> It is really unfortunate that org-mode runs like this on OSX. I can't
>>> really think of anything else I could use to manage my personal
>>> information and todo lists, but handling big orgfiles, as of now, is
>>> really starting to be a blocker :-(
>> But is it org mode that runs like this? or something else? The elp stats
>> showed that org-mode was pretty much in the noise.
>> Nick

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