I got it working, thanks to an offlist message from Don - copied with 
permission below...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Davison" <davi...@stats.ox.ac.uk>
To: "Gez" <regis...@geekanddiva.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: compiling org without make

> Hi Gez,
> It is possible to use the latest version of Org mode very easily,
> without compiling or installing to system folders. I just posted example
> instructions in another thread; the link to that thread is
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/30973
> With this method, the info files in emacs will be out-of-date. Full
> installation is covered in section 1.2 of the manual:
> http://orgmode.org/manual/Installation.html#Installation
> But here are the instructions I posted:
> 1. Download the latest version
>   .zip and .tar.gz version are kept at
>   http://orgmode.org/org-latest.zip
>   http://orgmode.org/org-latest.tar.gz
> 2. Extract the archived files
>   This will create a folder called "org-mode". Let's say that the
>   location of this folder is "~/path/to/org-mode" (for Windows see
>   footnote [1])
> 3. Add the following lines to your .emacs file (note that we're pointing
>   to the "lisp" folder *within* the main "org-mode" folder):
>   (setq load-path (cons "~/path/to/org-mode/lisp" load-path)
>   (require 'org-install)
> That's it. However, this will not install the latest info files, so
> these will be out of date (corresponding to whatever version of Org
> shipped with your emacs). See XXXX for instructions on installing the
> info files.
> Now, Emacs should load whatever version of Org-mode you put at
> "~/path/to/org-mode". So to update Org in the future, simply delete that
> folder and replace it with a new one (steps 1 and 2 above).
> Footnotes:
> [1] On Windows, this path might look something like
> "C:\\path\to\org-mode"
> Dan
> "Gez" <regis...@geekanddiva.com> writes:
>> I'm a beginner on windows  and I'm prepared to learn slowly and steadily, 
>> but I'm having trouble getting started.  I have GNU Emacs 23.2.1 and I'd 
>> like to get the latest version of orgmode (my version has no 
>> org-capture).  I see from 
>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.php#compiling-org-without-make that 
>> this problem has been addressed, but I'm still not clear on what to do...
>> 1. How I find out which version of orgmode I have? I'm assuming from 
>> http://orgmode.org/ that it's 6.21b, but is there a way of confirming 
>> this?
> M-x org-version
>> 2. Do I need to compile at all?  At least in order to get started 
>> learning and using it?
> No, it is not necessary to compile. Some experienced Org users do not
> compile at all, because they upgrade very often and don't want to risk
> accidentally forgetting to recompile.
>> 3. Whether or not I compile, how do I "install" the downloaded org-mode 
>> files?  Should I just copy them into \emacs-23.2\lisp\org (where my org 
>> lisp files are now) and let them overwrite where necessary?
>> 3. In the example path in the function on 
>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.php#compiling-org-without-make, the 
>> org-lisp-directory is under .emacs.d but my org files are under 
>> \emacs-23.2\lisp\org - does this matter?
>> 4. Assuming the path is ok as it is, how do I enter the path into the 
>> function - do I write the whole path - e.g.  Q:\progs\emacs-23.2\lisp\org 
>> ?
>> 5. What option should I choose for org-compile-sources in the function? 
>> (I don't know what it means.)
>> 6. Finally, how do I use this function?  Do I write it to my .emacs and 
>> then call it?  What is the command?
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