Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> e20100633 <> writes:
>> Hello,
>> Tommy Kelly <> writes:
>>> I'm looking for help in running Gnus with nnimap, and org-mode, across
>>> multiple machines.
>>> When reading my email in Gnus (using nnimap off Gmail), I create tasks
>>> from any given message by using orgp-mode's capture feature. A TODO gets
>>> created with a hyperlink that, on clicking, takes me back to the
>>> relevant email in Gnus. That's all cool.
>> I'm sorry I have no answers for you, but I'm very interested by your way
>> of using org-mode TODO's to point on emails with gnus. Can you take a
>> minute to describe it please ?
>> I'm a kind of newbie, so is it possible for you to tell precisely what
>> you're doing ? Besides, I have to say that I know how org-mode and gnus
>> are working, but I don't get how you point automagically a mail you are
>> reading in an org-file. Thank you very much.
>> Regards,
> Basically, when reading an email (in gnus, in wl, in other emacs MUAs
> possibly), type "C-c l" (org-store-link) which will /store/ a link to
> that email ("store" is the wrong word, in my view; it should arguably be
> "make" or "create" or "define" or ... but that's neither here nor
> there).  You can then put that link in an org file with "C-c C-l RET"
> (org-store-link, accepting the default which should be the last link you
> stored).
> If you later open the link (C-c C-o, org-open-at-point), it should start
> up gnus and show you that email.  I switched from wl to gnus partly
> because this procedure works marginally better in gnus than in wl.

I use capture mode for this.  While reading an email I create a new TODO
task with C-M-r t which gives me this:

| * TODO <cursor is here>
| [2010-12-01 Wed 20:23]
 from Eric S. Fraga: Re: {Orgmode} Re: org-mode gnu]]

and I normally enter something like 'Reply to Eric' as the TODO task and
file it with C-c C-c.

Later I can open the link with C-c C-o on the headline or from the
agenda to get back to the gnus mail or news article directly.

My todo capture template looks like this:

| (setq org-capture-templates (quote (("t" "todo" entry (file 
"~/git/org/") "* TODO %?
|   %U
|   %a" :clock-in t :clock-resume t))))

(extracted from


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