On 11-Jan-12, at 10:49 AM, Jeff Horn wrote:

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 10:05 AM, Anthony Lander
<anthonylan...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'd like to be able to link to an org document from other applications, and especially to a particular line or search term in a document. The idea is that I could, for example, put a link into an iCal entry, and when I click it, emacs would show the file and move the point to the correct location.

Basically, I'm trying to make something like a URL, but for org, that the OS
would dispatch correctly. Something like

I've poked around quite a bit, but I can't figure out an easy way to do
this. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Hi, Anthony. Try this:

1) Right click on an org file in Finder.
2) Select "Get Info"
3) Change the default "Open with" application to Aquamacs (or Cocoa
Emacs, whatever you use)
4) Click the "Change All" button. Confirm.
5) When you want to add a link, use the following syntax.


Thanks Jeff. That works really well! Any suggestions on how to incorporate a bit of logic (probably in emacs) to do an org headline search? I'm guessing it means making a new file type, and then doing some processing on the passed in url.



Jeffrey Horn

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