Robert Goldman <> wrote:

> X-TagToolbar-Keys: D20110315084847273
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> On 3/15/11 Mar 15 -12:04 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > Robert Goldman <> wrote:
> > 
> >> I have the following in my org file:
> >>
> >> #+CAPTION: Sample (partial) plan graph.
> >> #+LABEL: fig:sampleGraph
> >> #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=.9\textwidth
> >> [[plan-with-tc-start.pdf]]
> >>
> >> which I believe should give me a figure.  However, when I run this
> >> through the latex export I get the following instead:
> >>
> >> \hyperref[plan-with-tc-start.pdf]{plan-with-tc-start.pdf}
> >>
> >> I pushed "pdf" onto image-file-name-extensions but that doesn't seem to
> >> make any difference.
> >>
> >> I figure there's something simple I'm doing wrong, but I can't figure
> >> out what that is.
> >>
> >> Thanks for any advice!
> >>
> > 
> > Try 
> > 
> > [[./plan-with-tc-start.pdf]]
> Thanks.  That did fix it.  Question:  what's the rule about file names
> here?  Is it that there must be a non-empty directory part?  Or
> something else?

>From observation of effects, it seems to me that in LaTeX export:

o plain file names in links get hyperref'ed, e.g [[image.pdf]
o pathnames in links get a figure environment and \includegraphics, e.g. 
o file: type links get \includegraphics without a figure environment, e.g. 

I didn't look very hard, but I didn't find documentation on these.
But I seem to recall some discussion of this on the ML a long time ago.

In HTML export, everything is a link. What happens in other exports,
I have no idea.


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