Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> On Mar 31, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:
>> Hi Carsten,
>> I noticed you have added a new function to org.el called
>> org-new-numbered-item, which inserts items like this:
>> * TODO Action #1                                :#1:
>> * TODO Action #2                                :#2:
>> I'd be curious to learn more about possible uses for this feature. For
>> instance, if one reorganizes items, will the actions be renumbered?
> No.  The purpose is exactly to have the old numbers retained
> when moving and reorganizing them - a task not well served
> by ordered lists.

Great. That makes sense. Thanks!

>> Thanks in advance for entertaining these questions born of
>> brainstorming and curiosity!

> Maybe you can first look at the tutorial which explains how
> I am using this.  The function was added to minimize setup
> required for this particular use case.
> When you have read this, I am happy to brainstorm more about this
> and see if there are other contexts where this might be useful.

Very informative and thorough. Thanks for sharing your workflow here!

I should have checked Worg first, knowing how efficiently and thoroughly
you get things done. :)

When I saw the new functions I thought they might be the beginnings of a
more generalized syntax for creating enumerated headlines. After reading
the tutorial, I think a better description would be "helper functions
that support a workflow for taking meeting notes." I.e., the incremental
tags are not part of "official" org-mode syntax in the same way that,
say, priority cookies are. I can also see how automatic renumbering
would not be helpful in this context.


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