Belpaire <> writes:

> Hello, 
> can somebody help me in setting up the Docbook export? 

I cannot help but I can definitely share my experience. I am more of a
"one off" user of docbook exporter.

> My OS is Windows XP with Cygwin installed. 

Same here.

> Org-mode creates the Docbook xml file, but thinks it doesn't exist when
> org-mode wants to process it.

I ran into same issues. The "impression" I got was that it has something
to do with the way docbook exporter shell quotes it's arguments. I
didn't investigate further and this is what I ended up with finally.

Export to xml from within emacs and export to pdf from within
shell. (shell is bash within cygwin). There are two variations of shell
command that I use:

1. Variation 1:
#+begin_src sh
  xsltproc -stringparam 1 --output 
/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/fo/docbook.xsl test.xml
  ~/bin/fop-1.0/fop ./ test.pdf
  open test.pdf

2. Variation 2:

#+begin_src sh
   dblatex test.xml

The advantage of using variation 1 is that it produces a better looking
output and the inline images do get embedded. The disadvantage is that
you have to configure quite a good number of variables (3 variables
right?) before you bite the dust :-). .

The disadvantage of variation 2 is that it is a simple command that
converts directly from xml to pdf and hides the presence of all the
backdoor jugglery like the presence of xsl file, fo file and fop
converter (Does dblatex use these internally - not sure). The problem is
the resulting document has the inline images stripped off and the output
is sloppy (relatively speaking).

Here is what I would recommend as a minor enhancement to docbook

Provide a `single' variable setting that takes the user from xml to pdf
in a single step. Make dblatex the default converter of org-docbook.el.

Jambunathan K.

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