Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> Export to xml from within emacs and export to pdf from within
> shell. (shell is bash within cygwin). There are two variations of shell
> command that I use:
> 1. Variation 1:
> #+begin_src sh
>   xsltproc -stringparam admon.graphics 1 --output test.fo 
> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/fo/docbook.xsl test.xml
>   ~/bin/fop-1.0/fop ./test.fo test.pdf
>   open test.pdf
> #+end_src
> 2. Variation 2:
> #+begin_src sh
>    dblatex test.xml
> #+end_src

Forgot to add this, the whole docbook to pdf could be shellified by
using org-export-as-docbook-batch.

Jambunathan K.

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