On 5/4/11 May 4 -4:13 PM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
> Aloha Robert,
> Have a look at the listings and minted packages.  You can specify font
> size on a per-document or per-language basis.  I believe listings has an
> option to wrap long lines (don't remember this for minted, though). 
> The instructions here might be helpful:
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html#sec-12_2

Hm.  I'm still grappling with this.  I am including many of these
examples by using a source snippet (in sh) that goes out and pulls the
example out of a source code file.

Even after adding

#+LaTeX_HEADER \usepackage{listings}


#+src: setup-listings

to the top of my file, and setting

org-export-latex-listings to 'listings

the :results of the source blocks, which look like, e.g., the following:

#+begin_src sh :exports results :results output
sourceSample.perl single code/ontology/top.prxo 'Class Pattern'

come out wrapped in


Maybe I'm not doing enough.  I'm a bit confused by the listings example
in the tutorial because it has the configuration examples be in their
own source block, and adds all of the options for specially typesetting
particular programming languages.  It's not altogether clear to me which
bits of that are critical to getting the listings stuff to work at all,
and which are only specially tailoring its function.

Is it necessary to specify what programming language is used in order to
typeset using listings?  I am using a domain specific language for which
there is no obvious listings setting and, anyway, what I am trying to
typeset is the /results/ of the source blocks, which are in a different
programming language from the /source/ of the source blocks.

I suspect I am just looking for a simpler solution, e.g., one which
would make org-mode give me the source blocks in


instead of


or something like that.


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