Robert Goldman <> writes:

> On 5/4/11 May 4 -5:23 PM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
>> On May 4, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Robert Goldman wrote:
>>> On 5/4/11 May 4 -4:13 PM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
>>>> Aloha Robert,
>>>> Have a look at the listings and minted packages.  You can specify font
>>>> size on a per-document or per-language basis.  I believe listings has an
>>>> option to wrap long lines (don't remember this for minted, though).
>>>> The instructions here might be helpful:
>>> Hm.  I'm still grappling with this.  I am including many of these
>>> examples by using a source snippet (in sh) that goes out and pulls the
>>> example out of a source code file.
>>> Even after adding
>>> #+LaTeX_HEADER \usepackage{listings}
>>> and
>>> #+src: setup-listings
>> Sorry for the confusion.  In the example, the line
>> #+source: setup-listings
>> names the source code block that follows.   I don't think it will do
>> anything by itself in your document.
>> That code block named setup-listings contains an example of a listings
>> setup that maps Org-mode's output for Emacs Lisp code blocks to
>> something listings recognizes.  It can be executed in Org-mode, using
>> Babel, to setup the listings export.  After this is done, then the
>> example should export correctly.
>> I'm not sure what is going wrong on your end.  Perhaps
>> org-export-latex-custom-lang-environments needs to be configured for the
>> language you're using?
> Is there any chance that this won't work because I have a source snippet
> in one language (sh) that returns as results a source snippet in a
> /different/ language (a lisp-like domain-specific language)?  I don't
> off-hand see how I can come up with a single label for the source block
> that takes this into account....
> This may be a weird enough case that I should be aiming at a solution
> that is much simpler:  e.g., just figuring out how to change all of my
> verbatim environments to use a smaller font or changing the export
> behavior so that /all/ verbatim blocks turn into listings blocks.

You could customize the value of the `org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap'
variable to include a line of latex to shrink the font size.  For

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
  (setq org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap
        '("{\\scriptsize\n\\begin{verbatim}\n" . "\\end{verbatim}\n}\n"))

Best -- Eric

> Best,
> r

Eric Schulte

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