I'm having the same trouble which seems to be reported in this thread (I'm
not running Aquamacs though, just GNU Emacs under Linux, with orgmode v7.4):

I've followed tutorials, and orgmode isn't generating beamer \block
structures (I checked the LaTeX code generated: it is generating \itemize
rather than \block).

Did anyone ever figure out the reason for this?


[Orgmode] Baffled by beamer blocks

Philip J. Hollenback
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 08:31:43 -0700

I've got a basic org-mode 7.01g + beamer setup working and am able to
create and export presentations.  However I am completely unable to
create presentations with blocks in them.  I've followed the examples on
the website such as http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-beamer.php
with no success.

When I try to write a presentation with blocks, I find that instead of
blocks I end up with nested lists in the frames.  The LaTeX output shows
no \block structures.  I see no error messages in any of my emacs
buffers. I should note that I'm running Aquamacs 1.9 on the mac.

Can anyone suggest what in my setup might be preventing blocks from
working?  I'm really baffled at this point.

Philip J. Hollenback

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