Hi Benjamin,

Benjamin Slade wrote:
>>> I have a bunch of packages that I would need for my beamer presentations and
>>> it would be nice just to have them automatically included every time.
>> If you want to do so, either put your list of packages
>> - in an Org file that you #+INCLUDE as needed, or
>> - in your own theme (that's what I generally end up doing).
>> Both are better places, IMHO, for customs.
> Many thanks for your reply. One last question: do you have an example
> (or a link to an explanation about) making one's "own theme"? (I
> understand the #+INCLUDE option).

I haven't yet found a real tutorial about making his own Beamer theme. I just
copied one of beamers themes and modified it to meet my needs.

After you have a new theme, run texhash so that LaTeX finds the new theme --
if needed.

An extract from my file `beamerthemesva.sty':

#+begin_src latex
% Copyright 2010, 2011 by Seb Vauban

\ProvidesPackage{beamerthemesva}[2011/05/26 v1.0 sva beamer theme]

\usefonttheme{sva}% Put yours, or a default one
\usecolortheme{sva}% Put yours, or a default one
\useinnertheme{sva}% Put yours, or a default one
\useoutertheme{sva}% Put yours, or a default one

% Color hyperref links and urls
\definecolor{sva-color-link}{HTML}{1968BA} % blue
\definecolor{sva-color-url}{HTML}{003399} % darker blue
    colorlinks=true,% avoid the red boxed around cross-references
    linkcolor=sva-color-link,% color of internal links
    urlcolor=sva-color-url, % color of external links

Check how the currently existing theme are created. Not that hard. Not that
easy, though...

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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