Hi all,

I export all my org-files as icalendar files, push them to some
webserver from which google calendar imports them.  Basically, that
works pretty good except for two things:

1. Encoding: All Umlauts and other non-ASCII chars show up as boxes in
   google calendar.  When visiting some exported ics file and doing M-x
   describe-coding-system, I get utf-8-unix for those files.  Doesn't
   google calendar support UTF-8?  And if so, is there a way to export
   as latin1 if that is supported by google?

2. Timezone: I live in Germany and thus all my timestamps are CEST.  The
   exported ics file properly declare X-WR-TIMEZONE:CEST.  However,
   since we also have DST, in summer all appointments show up 2 hours
   late, and in winter my appointments show up 1 hour late.  Is there
   anything I can do about it?  The google calendar settings have CEST
   as timezone...

Thanks for any hints!

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