Nick Dokos <> writes:

Hi Nick,

>> 2. Timezone: I live in Germany and thus all my timestamps are CEST.  The
>>    exported ics file properly declare X-WR-TIMEZONE:CEST.  However,
>>    since we also have DST, in summer all appointments show up 2 hours
>>    late, and in winter my appointments show up 1 hour late.  Is there
>>    anything I can do about it?  The google calendar settings have CEST
>>    as timezone...
> I don't know if this is the problem you are running into, but
> icalendar--convert-tz-offset is buggy as-is: it looks as if additional
> work was planned for it, but it never got done.  In particular, it
> assumes there is an RRULE in the icalendar file and does not translate
> timezones otherwise.

I don't know the iCalendar spec so I don't know what an RRULE is.  But
as far as I can see, `icalendar--convert-tz-offset' is used while
converting an ics file to the diary format.

> Reading your mail again, I guess you are having problems in the
> other direction,

Right. ;-)

> but IME, if there is a bug somewhere, there is at least one more going
> the other way :-)

Probably.  Looking at the ical spec, this X-WR-TIMEZONE property is an
optional extension nobody has to obey.  Org exports the times like


which means "local time".  So probably the google server has UTC as
local time, my preferences say I want to use Berlin-time, so all events
get two hours added in summer.

Now I've tried to explicitly set the timezone information using

    org-icalendar-timezone "Europe/Berlin"
    org-icalendar-date-time-format ";TZID=%Z:%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"

and now the events are like


However, that doesn't change anything in google calendar...

Finally, I've set GMT+0 as my current timezone in google calendar, and
now my appointments are shown correctly.  Ok, that's not really a
solution but only a workaround...

Oh, there's another possibility; setting

    org-icalendar-date-time-format ":%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"

which then seems to correctly recalculate the local times in my org
files to GMT.  So for an entry that starts at 14:30 and ends an 16:30,
that's what exported.


Looks good, I'd say.  But when importing that to google calendar, it
shows that entry starting at 16:30 and ending at 18:30 Berlin-time.  Now
what's that?!?

Oh, it seems to be some caching issue.  Although the new ics file is on
the server now, it seems that a reload of google calendar doesn't
reimport all imported calendars.  So I'll wait a bit and report back
what methods work (explicit TZIDs and/or export as UTC).


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