Frederik <> writes:

>> Apparently someone tried a simple hack:
>> When I find the time I will try this...
> I've tried the hack and for me this works pretty well. It's static but
> this doesn't really matter as I always stick to `csquotes'
> I think it shouldn't be too difficult to implement a new
> variable/switch whether the standard behaviour or the one provided by
> the hack is going to be used. One would only have to insert an
> additional if-clause in the defun the hack alters.
> Regards

Yes, please do suggest a patch to support csquotes.  I've been using
LaTeX to write the American dialect of English, so haven't had a need
for the package.  As it happens, I spent some time yesterday editing by
hand an article that requires quotations in the British dialect of
English.  IIUC, csquotes would have done this work for me with the
change of a single option.

Perhaps others on the list with experience using the LaTeX babel package
can chime in here.

Thanks for an interesting set of ideas.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

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