Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Here are some points to keep in mind while working on a patch:

> o csquotes.sty is part of the texlive-latex-extra package on Ubuntu
>   (and probably something similar on other Linux distros and
>   possibly MacOS X - hunoz about Windoz?)

On MacOS the MacTeX distribution is quite common and in this case a
complete TeXLive (including csquotes) is installed.

On Windows MikTeX is probably the defacto standard and IIRC it
supports installing packages on demand (I'm not sure wether csquotes
is included in the basic installation, but on the other hand I would
assume that a complete installation is not uncommen).

But another suggestion:

Always use \enquote for quotations in the exported text. In the
preambel of the document either include csquotes or provide a simple
macro enquote like the very simple


Maybe a bit more hackery might be needed for some special cases, but
with this approach it would be quite easy to change quotations styles
later on.

BTW: IMHO babel and csquotes should be considered standard packages
for all non-US texts (and even for US texts they have some

Until the next mail...,

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