Günter Kolousek <k...@htlwrn.ac.at> wrote:

> Hi, using footnotes i.e. [2] inside #+begin_src #+end_src causes errors
> during export using orgmode 7.7 and tip.
> Günter
> ...
> * Test
>   foo
>   #+begin_src python
>   lst = [-1, -2, 2, -3, -4]
>   for x in lst[:]:
>       if x < 0:
>           lst.remove(x)
>   print(lst) # [2] <- does not work!
>   #+end_src

Are you saying that this worked in some earlier version
and is not working in 7.7 and tip? 

Or that you only tried it in 7.7 and tip, found that it
is not working and reported it as a bug?

If the former, which version was it working in? If the
latter, it might very well be the case that org-mode just
does not support this: whether that's a bug or a feature
is in the eye of the beholder.

Personally, I'd be surprised if this ever worked.[fn:1]
Whether it can be made to work is another matter - but
then it is not a bug report, it is a feature request.

It makes a difference because it would require different
methods of attacking the problem: in the first case, I'd
bisect the commits to find out who broke it; in the
second case, I would know it's new functionality and
would just try to implement it without breaking anything
else and I wouldn't go hunting for a culprit.[fn:2]



[fn:1] ... but I could be wrong.

[fn:2] Note that the "I" in this paragraph is purely

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