> Your remark reminded me that I should look at the generic exporter in
> contrib.  It needs an eval-while-compile wrapped (require 'cl) to
> compile and run cleanly.  It also doesn't appear to recognize tables (or
> those are still copies from the ASCII export?).  It looks like it works
> line-by-line, which seems a somewhat questionable choice, but then it
> was written for Org6.25…
> I think it boils down to the question of having a formal org syntax.  If
> that existed, all exporters (and much of the org core, I guess) could
> work on the parse tree (some list structure with lists as elements and
> the actual text as their leaf nodes) of the org document.

I also invite you to take a look at org-lparse and org-xhtml and org-odt
that are built on top of it.

With some very minimal hackery it is possible to export a document to

You seem to be behind tables for quite some time. One of the most
significant re-write is in the callbacks for tables.

When it comes to export, most of the magic happens in the pre-processing
stage and not in the export backends itself.

> Regards,
> Achim.


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