I've been using orgmode for 6 months and really like it. I started with on monolithic work.org file. I'm worried that at some point this file will get too big and bog down emacs. I'm not sure how big it would have to be...? To avoid that I'm thinking that I should break up this file into multiple .org files in a directory. If I do that:

1. I would like to still see the same top-level tree that I see now when I shift-Tab e.g:

* Admin
* Drupal
* MacOS
* Linux
* Time Reports

So if I create drupal.org that contains the contents of "* Drupal", and I remove "* Drupal" from work.org, is there a way to still see my top level tree including "Drupal"?

2. Is there a way I can search for a string across all of my .org files from within orgmode?

Brian Wood
Applications Programmer
UC Berkeley IST Application Services

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