On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Brian Wood <bw...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> I've been using orgmode for 6 months and really like it. I started with on
> monolithic work.org file.  I'm worried that at some point this file will
> get too big and bog down emacs.  I'm not sure how big it would have to
> be...?  To avoid that I'm thinking that I should break up this file into
> multiple .org files in a directory.  If I do that:
> 1. I would like to still see the same top-level tree that I see now when I
> shift-Tab e.g:
> * Admin
> * Drupal
> * MacOS
> * Linux
> * Time Reports
> So if I create drupal.org that contains the contents of "* Drupal", and I
> remove "* Drupal" from work.org, is there a way to still see my top level
> tree including "Drupal"?
> 2. Is there a way I can search for a string across all of my .org files
> from within orgmode?

Yes. Search view:

C-c a s

This is a special search that lets you select entries by matching a
substring or specific words using a boolean logic


> --
> Brian Wood
> Applications Programmer
> UC Berkeley IST Application Services

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