Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> Is is possible to have a clocktabke with times in the left-most column?
> The people I am doing some work for now prefer it that way for unknown
> reasons. 
> This is an example
> | date                                           | Headline        | total |
> |------------------------------------------------+-----------------+-------|
> | [2011-08-19 Fri 00:28]--[2011-08-19 Fri 00:51] | Writing mails   |  0:23 |
> | [2011-06-22 Wed 17:00]--[2011-06-22 Wed 17:45] | Data processing |  0:45 |

Why don't you just use a simple (perl/python/...) script to collect your
data? Here's a quick hack in perl:

---8<--- cut here ---
#! /usr/bin/perl -n

use strict;
use warnings;

our $headline;

print "| date                                           | Headline        | 
total |\n";

# save current headline
$headline = $1 if (m/^\s*\*+\s+(.+)/);

# dump clock line
if (m/^\s*CLOCK:\s+(.+?)\s+=>\s+(.+)/) {
        print "| $1 | $headline | $2 |\n";
--- cut here --->8---

Run the script as

$ perl -n collect-timestamps.pl /path/to/org/*.org >clocktable.txt

You must tweak the formatting and make it more robust, but you get the
idea. If you prefer python, there are some python libraries listed at

Regards, Olaf

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