On Fri, 09 Sep 2011 17:10:42 +0200
David Maus wrote:

> At Fri, 09 Sep 2011 12:26:31 +0200,
> Štěpán Němec wrote:
>> Still, I'd rather we stuck to the point and expressed ourselves in a way
>> that doesn't imply the other side is either an idiot ...
> Your message simply repeated my conclusion: Yes, the problem of
> referencing a free variable in the macro expansion does not apply in
> this case. Yes, I should base decisions on valid arguments (Who
> shouldn't?). Yes, the fact that I refrained from implementing it as a
> macro indicates that I wanted to implement it as a macro in the first
> place.
> Repeating and stating the very, very obvious is one way to call
> someone an idiot.

It's not. (One way to call someone an idiot is saying "You're an idiot".
If you somehow understood any of my emails as implying you're an idiot,
then I'm sorry. It was definitely not intended.)

The reason I asked (I didn't actually repeat anything, and it's all
apparently still far from obvious, at least to me) is that I'm confused:
You say "I didn't implement is as a macro, because A". Now we both agree
that A is an invalid argument. Given that you now also confirmed you did
want to implement it as a macro in the first place, I would expect that
either you do implement it as a macro, or provide a valid argument for
not doing so. Maybe I really am too dense, but the hitchhiker quotation
didn't help.


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